Prosecutors - LA (Book 3)

About the Book

​​Jack Wayne is next in line to become District Attorney of Los Angeles County.  A career prosecutor whose sole ambition has been to faithfully serve the public, Jack Wayne is about to face an immense threat to his hard-earned career. He agrees to investigate an invisible criminal—the mysterious female voice who is suspected of leading a white-collar crime ring targeting wealthy young inhabitants of Los Angeles. Stepping out of his role as prosecuting attorney, Jack does something very different. He goes undercover, to draw the suspect towards him, not realizing that her crime ring transcends borders and affects not only the wealthiest inhabitants of Los Angeles, but of Europe and the Middle East.

Chasing down leads across the globe, Jack suddenly finds himself caught in a jurisdiction far away from Los Angeles.  A seductive vixen, whose greatest talent is con-artistry, the suspect has captured him first.     Read More...

Prosecutors - LA (Book 1)

About the Book

David is a hard-partying Hollywood millionaire who has maintained a long-standing reputation as a sexy, charming and lovable womanizer.  Though he thoroughly enjoys his bachelor lifestyle, David’s secret desire is to become a family man – a dream constantly sidetracked by the allure of Hollywood. Then, David begins to experience close encounters with Sarah, a highly accomplished, conservative and well-respected Deputy District attorney – who is a virgin. But the close encounter that rattles David’s world the most is the close encounter he has with the criminal justice system, which threatens to take his liberty for a very, very long time. 


Prosecutors - LA (Book 2)

About the Book

Sarah Cartwright and Kelly Luthan have one goal in common:   Get White Jr., convicted of rape and attempted murder.  Their motives are as different as their lives. Whether these women are justified, is a question only the jury can answer. Readers of this book will be the jury.

​You will judge White Jr. – a  handsome, wealthy, young man who was raised by a good family with the highest level of integrity. You will assess the credibility of his accuser, Kelly Luthan – who is now rekindling an old flame, after many years of being apart, and is deathly afraid that the trial will reveal to her beloved fiancé, the fact that she was once convicted of prostitution. You will debate the mystery of Sarah Cartwright – the prosecuting attorney who ordered the arrest of White Jr., then immediately disappeared.

When these two women first set this case in motion, they never imagined that the unyielding call of the criminal justice system would draw them from their happy lives, and threaten everything they hold dear.

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Prosecutors - LA (Book 4)

About the Book

​​​​Their favorite painting is gone! David Nolan stands accused. Who else could have done it? It was Renoir’s painting of the future—David’s future with Sarah, predicted and painted in 1890. According to David, it depicts the future and the past. Having seen it for the first time in 2015, he swore it captured the most precious moment in David’s love story with Sarah when they first met.  Livid and out of his mind with rage, the painting’s owner demands: “No one else had stronger motive to steal it than David!” There’s just one problem – the painting’s owner is also David’s alibi.  So, who really done it?​